Like many mothers, Mary Villiers (Julianne Moore) wants what’s best for her family. But with two dead husbands to her name and a total lack of societal standing, things are tough. So, what better way to scale the ladder of nobility than by currying favor with the new king, James VI of Scotland and I of England (Tony Curran)? The Jacobean court is full of sycophants, backstabbers and James’ many lovers. Since he has a keen eye for beautiful young men, Mary sees the perfect opportunity for her second-born son George (Nicholas Galitzine.) Secure the family name through the monarch’s bed and all will be fine.
‘Mary & George’ Review: Julianne Moore and Nicholas Galitzine Spew Venom in X-Rated Limited Series
The Starz show follows the proud tradition of past high-end historical drama prestige, blended with shameless sex appeal