Film criticism has changed a lot over the years. There was a time when critics had no qualms about telling readers the whole plot of a movie, on or before opening weekend, up to and including the finale. The idea was, if you were reading criticism it meant you were interested in reading criticism, and you knew damn well that meant the critic was going to talk about what actually happens in the film. Then again motion pictures as a whole used to be a lot less rarefied. You’d buy a ticket and walk into a theater at any point in the film, stick around for the trailers and news reels and shorts, and then you’d watch another picture, and then maybe hang around to catch the first half of the movie you already saw the end of.
‘Caddo Lake’ Review: We Can’t Tell You Anything About ‘Caddo Lake’
Eliza Scanlen captivates in an intriguing, moving film where practically the whole plot is a spoiler

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