‘Liza: A Truly Terrific, Absolutely True Story’ Review: Delightful Doc Celebrates the Extraordinary Career of a Rare Icon

Tribeca 2024: Bruce David Klein’s documentary spares some details as it explores what it takes to be a legend like Minnelli

Liza Minnelli
Liza Minnelli

We overuse the word “icon” so often, few people actually realize the great secret behind those who truly deserve the designation: an unthinkable level of hard work.

Sure, extraordinary charisma is essential and rare talent doesn’t hurt. But the key element, the one that will get you EGOT-level achievements and eternal admiration? That doesn’t happen unless you’re prepared to dance on bleeding feet.

So as icons go, Bruce David Klein (“Icahn: The Restless Billionaire”) couldn’t have chosen a better subject. As we see in his delightful documentary “Liza: A Truly Terrific, Absolutely True Story,” Liza Minnelli worked nonstop for half a century.
