Stan Lee’s ‘The Excelsiors’ Set for Film and TV Development at Kartoon Studios | Exclusive

“Batman” executive producer Michael Uslan will co-develop and produce the efforts to create these projects as they launch with a graphic novel

A pair of men with light-toned skin sit, the older one with his arm around the other.
Michael Uslan and Stan Lee (Courtesy Karton Studios)

Stan Lee’s “The Excelsiors” is set to be developed for TV and film by Kartoon Studios, the studio announced Monday. The company, also the controlling partner of Stan Lee Universe, plans to launch the project with a graphic novel published by indie comic publishing label Legible Comics.

The project is being produced by “Batman” film series executive producer Michael Uslan, on board with the DC franchise since bringing the 1989 film to the big screen.

The studio describes the project as “one of the largest initial superhero ensemble creations by the legendary Stan Lee,” featuring a 10-superhero team working for near future corporation “Amaz-Ing Tech LLC.”


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