TheGrill 2024: Top Journalists From Tech, Entertainment, Media and Business Debate the State of Media

World class journalists will come together to debate the current state of media and at TheWrap’s annual conference, Oct. 8 in Los Angeles

TheGrill 2024

World class journalists will be joining TheGrill. Kevin Merida, the former executive editor of the Los Angeles Times; Adam Lashinsky, the former executive editor of Fortune; Oliver Darcy, founder of Status; Laura Holson, veteran of the New York Times all join TheWrap’s Sharon Waxman in two special sessions to debate the current state of media at TheGrill 2024 on Oct. 8 at The DGA Theater. 

Merida served as the executive editor of the L.A. Times, where the newspaper won four Pulitzer Prizes and its first Oscar under his leadership. Merida is currently a board member of the newly formed L.A. Local News Initiative, working alongside other industry leaders to address the decline in local journalism and restore community-focused reporting. 
